Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Rosie's Guilty Pleasures

Lindt 70% at least 2 bars a week, more if Scott gets to it first

Magazines, I buy them like they are pornographic, hide them until I get home and then devour them in minutes, cheap thrill, never as good as the cover promises (I think I am buying the wrong ones)

Big Brother - suckered in again

Saturday mornings - no alarm, little lie in, lazy breakfast (before
shower) & luxurious read of the paper

Ebay shopping - Can you ever have enough pairs of shoes that don't fit

Washing my feet in Max's bath, feels so good at the end of a long day

Love Bars from Pret a Manger - my word, I shouldn't even tell you about
them, you won't thank me (my whole team is addicted, it's serious! Worse than that, if I haven't bought them for everyone I have to wolf it down before anyone sees)

Bookshop browsing - hours of precious me time wasted

Walking slowly home from the tube through Queens Park, should hurry
(kids to feed, bath, put to bed, dinner to cook, washing to do) but nice to dawdle and soak in the fun

Cream teas - oh but I shouldn't


  1. mmm look at that 70% melting into a pool of cacaaaao! bee, sal, i'm talking to you! convert goddammit!

    i have been thinking about washing my feet in isi's bath, so far i am just doing it in the sink while he has his bath. i may progress.

    which magazooons exactly? private eye, the spectator, the lancet...or HEAT! the latter i suspect, in which case i shall dance a merry jig and laugh in the face serious news.

    i am not drunk.

  2. lindt good, big brother bad. shame on you.

  3. Heat and Big Brother, the shame is all mine

  4. oh my gooood i looove love bars - when i used to work i would sneak one in everyday at lunchtime and tell myself they were good for me. they're amazing.
    another lindt lover - good on ya rosie.
    very envious of your saturday morning lie ins - can i come and hang out at your house?

  5. what are love bars? are they actually called love bars? i need info.

  6. blimmin' heck! i guess i should give this lindt business a go then if you're all so gung ho...shall we sal? whaddya say? a bar of lindt and some pat benatar? next book club?

  7. ooh let's have lists of our fave 'zines! would need to include why we like 'em. i must say my only guilty pleasure is VF tho, all my other magazine reading is tres tres highbrow ;-)

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  9. wot no chocolate?
    no chocolate, no love.
